Mixed Media Performance Piece: 15 min 30 sec (2022)
This Piece is the debut of a unique tale, following 2 years of world building and wiritng done by Ash Appadu. The story follows Mr Goat, the protagonist on a quest through a disorienting dystopian landscape with the goal being to find a pint. Along the way Mr Goat meets a digruntled bar maid, a non binary god and finally a wooden version of themselves. Each encounter ritualistic in nature weakens Mr. Goat, slowly but surely causing him to give into the changes that he must face... Three portals (CRT monitors) play in the background as one is guided through Mr Goats world using the medium of puppetry. Mr Goat Shapesifts, transitions and mimics, the disoritation is highlihgted in the distorted soundscapes that play on loop. The use of both fiction and real world elements creates a unease in with the fabulated world could simply be unveiled
identity, memory and queerness are central themes in this work. The videos that play on the CRT monitors breifly flicker with images of Appadu's family dancing in joy, paired with breif moments in the audio of captured sounds from funerals, weddings and other social engagements with his family. This is in reference to their Mauritian and Indian heritage that they keep present in his work.
This show marks the beginning of Ash Appadu's journey in using puppetry to tell tales.